They are all content driven. But many B2B organizations lack a sustainable content strategy to drive continued interest and engagement on social media. On Twitter, your content is usually only about 20 minutes long; on Facebook, a few hours. But, too often, businesses struggle to create and share new content multiple times a day to post to these sites. To achieve a repeatable content strategy that saves you time and effort, here are some tips for generating and repurposing content for your social media marketing efforts: Use in-house experts: Do n't just leave content creation to your marketing team or agency, which could take up a lot of your team's time.
experts from all areas of the business to bring fresh insights into your industry. We frequently rely on product managers, service delivery experts, and even executive team members to provide insight into the industry and deliver new voices to our Raster to Vector Conversion prospects and customers. Share all content from or about your business: whether it's a simple post on your company blog, an article for a third-party publication, a product video on YouTube, a press release, an interview or Q&A, or whatever: promote any of your content on your social sites. Reusing and Resharing: Social Media Content Isn't a One- Time Exercise. Developed an infographic? Turn it into a slideshow or a video. Have a series of blog posts? Combine them into a guide or ebook.
evergreen blog concepts more than a few months old, develop a new title or take, rewrite the content and structure, create a new post with fresh images and BAM! Then, share it repeatedly. One thing my team at Reach Local likes to do is write a series of unique social media posts for a single piece of content like a webinar, blog post, or eBook so we can share it multiple times on social media. with different, clickable titles. It also allows us to test the performance of different messages and titles. You can also mix up your social media shares of a single piece of content by including a different image with each new social share, so it looks unique in the social feed. Be sure to broadcast these social media posts over a few days (or a few hours on Twitter) so you don't spam your audience.