It is a two-way street. I would rather have Ws Numbers List peace of mind that my data is being protected so well; to the point that Government officials can not tap into it. Think about the various ways this could go wrong. Imagine corrupt politicians with Ws Numbers List access to data or just consider that lightening up on security measures, will make it easier Ws Numbers List for the average hacker to gain access. Computer scientists have spoken out on the futility of weakening encryption.
So only Government officials have access. Ws Numbers List This same weakness can be exploited by malicious hackers. This view is held by many Ws Numbers List computer experts actively in the field. A few months back a ban was called on WhatsApp in the UK; it has recently been dropped because of mass criticism. But this can of worms has not been Ws Numbers List closed just yet. This has just pushed the issue to other parts of the world; where they can theoretically gain some traction and spread.
India has a ban on certain types of Ws Numbers List encryption. WhatsApp uses end-to-end encryption; which is illegal in India. WhatsApp Ws Numbers List uses a 256bit encryption which is only known by the sender and the receiver. India only Ws Numbers List allows 40bit encryption if you want to have permission you need to apply through the Government. The Indian Government has asked for the keys to be able to gain access, but WhatsApp creators have said they do not have them.